Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Letter to my Senators re: Health Care Reform

This is the letter I emailed to my two senators today:
Senator XXXXX,

My mailing address is in XXXX, but I am a registered voter in XXXX. I am registered as Independent, but please don't make the mistake of thinking that all registered Independents are gullible tea-baggers, easily manipulated by the fear tactics of the Republican machine.

WE NEED HEALTH CARE REFORM AND WE NEED IT NOW! I would prefer a plan that includes a public option. If that's not possible, a plan that provides for a lot more competition between the insurance companies might have to do.

Unfortunately, the Democrats have shown themselves to be incompetent, even with a super majority. And the Republicans are still the Party Of No. One party CAN'T do anything, and the other party WON'T do anything. The business of the American people is being ignored in the heat of political battles. I'm fed up with both sides.


So....if I ruled the world, elected officials would get booted out of office if their voting record even hinted that they were putting their political interests before the business of the American people. I'm sick to death of talking points. I'm sick to death of the special interests having more influence than private citizens.

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