Saturday, March 13, 2010

Loyal Opposition?

The term "loyal opposition" has become meaningless in politics. The only loyalty the opposition holds is to the special interests that put them in office. They have no loyalty to their constituents. Voters are only there to be manipulated by the powerful special interests, such as the health insurance industry, big pharma, big oil, etc.

Case in point: the teabaggers. They seem to believe anything the conservative interests throw at them. Death panels? What a joke. Government rationing of health care? Who the heck do they think is rationing their health care right now???? The insurance companies, of course. And the insurance companies are profit-motivated. I would prefer health care rationed by the government because the government, at least, does not have that same kind of profit motive.

These days, the "loyal opposition" is just a bunch of power-hungry obstructionists, trying to shove the agenda of special interests down our throats. They are obstructing the will of the people who voted for change, and I am disgusted with the lot of them.

If I ruled the world, lobbyists would never be allowed to contribute to campaigns. Sadly, the Supreme Court seems to feel otherwise....but that's a topic for another day.

I am registered as an independent voter. I'm afraid, though, that too many pols are lumping all independents into the category of gullible teabaggers, easily manipulated by the republican machine. Not so!

Hmmm.......I may have to investigate this coffee party movement.

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