Monday, May 3, 2010

Protests Against Wind Farms? For Real???

You've probably heard the whining about how wind farms are an eyesore and will mar the view and bring down property values...etc., etc., etc. I'll bet most of the people complaining about them have never seen one up close. I've travelled to many corners of this country and have seen wind farms in several states. I think they're quite beautiful.

But even more beautiful is the idea of ending our dependence of foreign oil. And not having miners die in coal mines. And not facing another Three Mile Island, or our own Chernobyl.

Take your choice people, but please make it a smart one. You can have clean renewable energy from sources such as wind farms or photovoltaics, or you can continue to rely on Middle East oil, dirty coal technology (contrary to what they'd have you believe, so-called "clean coal technology" doesn't exist yet) or (yikes) nuclear energy and all of its' inherent risks. You can continue to lose miners, fund terrorism, and risk nuclear accidents, or you can have beautiful windmills on the horizon.

IMHO, the choice is clear.