Sunday, February 28, 2010

Socialized Medicine?

I understand that people have different philosophies about health care delivery in this country. There's a wide spectrum of ideas being advocated, ranging from leaving the system just as it is to having the government take complete control with a single payor system. There's a legitimate debate there, and everyone has the right to express their views. So far, no problem.

I do have a problem, though, with the people ranting against socialized medicine while getting their own medical care through Medicaid, Medicare, or the VA system. I'd love to find out what percentage of the anti-socialized medicine protesters fall into that category. I'd guess it's pretty high....

Remember one of the signs a protester held up that said Keep Your Government Hands Off Of My Medicare??????? What the.....? People like that are clueless. And what's really scary is that they vote.

Debate is wonderful. It's part of the rich political heritage of the United States. But I wish the protesters had a real grasp of the issues before taking to the streets to express their opinions.

".....the American people....."

If I hear one more politician speak for what "the American people" want, I'm gonna scream. Mitch McConnell uses that phrase, as does John McCain. Among many others. I'm one of the American people, and they don't speak for me! Their frequent use of that phrase in their rhetoric is nothing but presumptuous grandstanding. Enough already!